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Tecolote Canyon Natural Park

Tecolote Canyon is a designated open space natural park of nearly 1000 acres. This urban treasure hosts 22 species listed as threatened and four species listed as endangered. San Diego County is home to more endemic species than any other county in the US, making San Diego a biodiversity hotspot. 


Chronology of TCNP

by M. Eloise Battle

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Found! in Tecolote Canyon

by M. Eloise Battle

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History, Flora and Fauna Overview of Tecolote Canyon by M. Eloise Battle

Friends of Tecolote Canyon is a non-profit community organization committed to sponsoring nature education and restoration activities in Tecolote Canyon Natural Park.
Our education program, supported by SDGE’s “Environmental Champions Initiative”, is dedicated to bringing children into Tecolote Canyon and fostering connection
with enjoyable, memorable, and meaningful experiences in our unique and precious local habitat. Read more

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